2021-22 LEBRON Data

Read about our Luck-adjusted player Estimate using a Box prior Regularized ON-off (LEBRON) metric by going to our introduction page here.

Explore our free interactive database of LEBRON Data & Tools by going here. See our full LEBRON database by going here.


Quick Key:

LEBRON measures Total Impact per 100 possessions

O-LEBRON measures Offensive Impact per 100 possessions

D-LEBRON measures Defensive Impact per 100 possessions

Wins Added measures Total Aggregate Impact

Box Prior LEBRON data and luck-adjusted RAPM calculations are also included below. This data should not be used for comparisons and is less accurate than LEBRON data, but can be used to get a sense for if a player’s impact is coming from their box contributions or on/off data. Read more about our box prior here.


2020-21 LEBRON Data